Pathology & Microbiology


  • “There is only one cardinal rule: One must always listen to the patient.”

  • Our wits versus their genes.

  • Microbiology is the science that deals with the study of Microorganisms.

  • Our environment contains a great variety of microbes-bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites. They all cause diseases and if allowed to multiply unchecked they may prove fatal. So study of these microorganisms is very important for diagnosis of infectious diseases and their treatment .

  • Aim is to introduce the students to the exciting world of microbes.

  • There are various branches of microbiology. It is important to understand the significance and contribution of each branch to mankind and other field of medicine. Understanding the basics of microbiology and application of knowledge in various field of dentistry will help in diagnosis, treatment and good care of patients.

  • A number of microbes use the oral cavity as the portal of entry to cause general diseases and we consider it important to elucidate the general microbiology of dental diseases.

  • The field of microbiology is constantly engaged with identifying new micro organisms, monitoring changes in rapidly mutating species and dealing with the ongoing challenges in medicine, ranging from the development of resistance to antibiotics in bacteria to contamination of water supplies with protozoan’s. They work in all ways to contribute to mankind and improve humans and environmental quality of life and living.

Microbiologists can rather be called as detectives who investigate in the microscopic world - a world that holds much wonder and mystery, the world which much people cannot see.

Inflammation, repair and neoplasia comprise the major cell and tissue responses to injury. Most diseases reflect one or more of these three processes. The pathways which produce inflammation, repair and neoplasia are complex, involving cytokines, cell regulatory factors and enzymes, and cellular synthesis of a wide repertory of molecules. Molecular studies in the last two decades have elucidated many of these pathways.

The General Pathology images are divided into subsections on Inflammation, Cell Injury, Repair and Physiologic Adaptation, Neoplasia, and a brief section to introduce Infectious Diseases. The images in General Pathology constitute a basic foundation for understanding the morphology of disease. It is an essential component of all medical students’ educations.


  • To introduce the students to the amazing world of microorganisms, including study of general as well as oral microbiology.

  • To train the students to diagnose the common disorders of microbial origin with the help of microscopic examination, culture and gene molecular study.

  • To provide students with the latest information in scientific microbiological methods.

  • To provide advanced knowledge, understanding, and critical judgment appropriate for the dental profession in microbiology.

  • To demonstrate and apply basic facts, concepts and theories in the field of Pathology.

  • To recognize and analyze pathological changes at macroscope and microscopic levels and explain their observations in terms of disease processes.

  • To integrate knowledge from the basic sciences, clinical medicine and dentistry in the study of pathology.

  • To emphasize those infectious diseases that are of great actual or potential importance to humans.

  • To make the students aware with the emerging & reemerging infectious diseases of microbial origin

  • To highlight the aspects for eradication of infectious diseases.


  • At the end of the course the student should be able to:

  • Apply the scientific study of disease processes, which result in morphological and functional alterations in cells, tissues and organs to the study of pathology and the practice of dentistry

  • Describe in details the morphology, the culture, spread, biochemical activities, antigenic characters, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis, treatment& prevention &control measures of each bacteria.

  • Describe various staining techniques and interpret Gram stain and ZN staining technique.

  • Demonstrate practical skills in fundamental microbiological techniques.

  • Explain the methods of microorganisms control, e.g. chemotherapy & vaccines.

  • To emulate a sense of service and to harness the sense of dignity and discipline among the students.

  • To inculcate in the students the appropriate doctor patient relationship and interactions

  • To extend the education of highest quality and standard which matches the global standard to the student at the undergraduate and postgraduate level

  • To diagnose and treat various oral lesions of infectious origin.

Best Practices:

  • ll equipments are calibrated periodically from outside agency and its record is maintained.

  • Biohazard waste disposal: the institution is registered under Aurangabad municipal corporation (M.N.C.) for waste disposal.

  • Personal and environmental safety has been taken care in our department.

  • Attendance cell is established to report weekly absent students.

  • Advisory meeting is conducted monthly to check performance of student.

  • Feedback from students on teaching is taken.

  • Development of teaching material.

  • Assignments are given to students for progress in result.

  • Discussion on various topics on daily basis.

  • Conduction of Extra classes, test and discussion for weak students.

  • To go through internal assessment marks & papers.

  • Competitive forum is established for career development of students in competitive exams for postgraduate studies.

Teaching Learning Methods and Aids in the Department:





CD’s and DVD’s















Small Group Discussions








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